Calf registrations
Online and via farm software
Calf registrations are recorded ‘online’ directly or via farm software using the ScotEID web service. The use of the online option to record calf registrations means that there is no admin or intervention required by the Help team. Keepers use the ‘Record Birth’ option from the ScotMoves+ menu. The full how-to guide for keepers is available here.
Other related guides are:
How to enter calf registration details
Checking and editing your calf registration
Submitting your calf registrations
Keepers using farm software enter the calf registration data into their their farm software program which then sends the data via the ScotEID web service to ScotEID. Occasionally a registration may be rejected if the data sent does not meet the requirements of the web service. On these occasions the keeper receives a message back from their software package provided their software allows for error return. Some warnings are also sent this way. Although in the case of warnings, the data is accepted by ScotEID. Registrations recorded by farm software send the data via the ScotEID web service therefore do not require admin or intervention by the Help team.
By phone
Keepers may phone ScotEID to register their calves by providing the data over the phone. To do this, the Help team follow the following steps:
A. Establish the CPH and use the masquerade option online to masquerade on ScotEID as the keeper account
B. Using the ‘Record Birth’ option enter the data as provided by the keeper (as for the online keeper entry with the addition of the notification date)
Please note - If it is more than 27 days since the date of birth please refer to the Late Registration Admin Process.
Please note - If there is data that is not accepted - work with the keeper to establish the correct data. Asking for calving records if this may be helpful.
C. Ensure the calf registration has submitted successfully.
D. Log the call in the call management system.
By Passport Application Form
ScotEID accept passport application forms (PPAFs) that were printed with ear tag orders prior to October 2021. These are entered onto ScotEID using the 4 steps, A to D, above.
If the data provided in the passport application form does not pass the online validation then the keeper is called and the issue resolved. If the correct data for registration cannot be established please refer to the Restrictions Admin Process.
We have to take into consideration that keepers are allowed 30 days to complete their on farm calving record after the birth. The capture below is from the Scottish Government guidance.
We use the date of the first contact from the keeper for the notification date to ensure that the registration being recorded on ScotEID (sometimes referred to as the central database) is not late due to this.