Select Record Birth from your ScotMoves+ Home page or from the Record / View data box.
You are presented with the data entries fields that are required to record the birth.
Ear Tag ID
Date of Birth
Dam ID
Start typing at the red arrow in the ear tag field and your unused ear tags appear.
A drop down list of your unused ear tags appears.
Select the ear tag of the calf you wish to register.
Entering the Date of Birth is next. Please click on the entry box and a drop down calendar appears.
Select the Date of Birth of the calf by clicking on the date on the calendar.
Your calf registration must be submitted within 27 days of birth.
Record the sex of the calf by clicking the Male or Female button.
Click 'Select breed' and a drop down appears.
Select the breed of your calf by clicking on the breed in the drop down.
Start typing in the Dam ID box and a list of available cows appears.
Select the Dam of the calf from the list.
If the dam has calved within the previous 200 days - the message appears ' Dam has already calved' . Please check the Dam ID you have selected.
The Genetic Dam can be entered or selected.
The Genetic DAM ID is only required to be recorded when an ovum transplant has produced the calf.
The IDs of bulls on your holding appears in a drop down when you start typing.
Please select the ID of the father of the calf.
Alternatively, you can enter the bull's name but for trace purposes the ID is preferred.
You can enter a reference for the birth.
Please note that this is your reference and remains against the animal on your holding details only. It does not transfer with the animal if the animal leaves your holding.
For registering the births of twins or triplets please refer to the guide 'Registering Twins or Triplets'.
Click the 'Add to List' button.
Your calf registration details are now in Section 2.
For checking, editing and submitting your calf registration, please refer to the guide 'Submitting your calf registration'.
If you require further assistance, please contact ScotEID on 01466 794323.
If you require further assistance, please contact ScotEID on 01466 794323.