Restrictions Processing
A restriction can be set at holding level or for an individual animal. A restriction indicates that the animal must not move from its present location. A restricted animal is not presented with a passport. IF an animal with a passport is restricted the passport is uplifted.
Restrictions resulting from ScotEID data capture can be added to the Restrictions table. Restriction instructions from inspections come via a web service from the RPID LIS system and are added automatically.
At holding level:
For ScotEID
Individual Restrictions only are placed.
Add a new restriction onto the ‘Restrictions’ table. Create a header for the holding if it doesn't exist, submit the header and use 'Add NOR'.
Holding restriction types are from AIT Enforcements are:
Obstruction - results in off and on move restriction.
Whole Herd restriction - results in off move restriction.
The start date refers to all selected.
The individual restriction type of animal under whole herd restriction is NORH.
When restrictions are lifted whether obstruction, whole herd or individual , these come through the web service.
At individual animal level:
For late registrations or identity issues on registering calves to ScotEID, these restrictions are set by ScotEID. For all other types of restriction these are applied on the instructions via the web service from AIT Enforcements.
Late calf registration
For a late calf registration to ScotEID where the data is invalid, and the animal is to be restricted please also see Late Registration Processing.
To record the animal as restricted where the the animal has not been registered within 28 days, use the ‘Add NOR’ option above the table. The animal is restricted with a ‘NORL’ status.
Please note: If the holding is not present on the Restrictions table, add the holding without selecting holding level restrictions.
Unregistered animals found at inspection
Unregistered and untagged animals found at inspection are tagged with SGRPID green tags. The tag ID and data available for the animal is sent via the unidentified animal web service from RPID LIS system to ScotEID. These registrations are automatically created and restricted as 'NTI's. The animals appear on cattle look up, in the keeper's listing and on the restrictions table. If the animal is already dead and never registered this is automatically added as a NOR and given a status of NORD.
Registered animals to be restricted
This information is sent via the 'Restrictions' web service from the SGRPID LIS system for animals that are registered on ScotEID.
To lift an individual restriction
For NORLs this is done automatically when processing the issue of the passport Version 1 on the queue.
For NORs issued at an inspection, this is from an instruction via the web service which includes whether the re-issue of the passport is required.
Table view of restricted holdings and animals ===
An admin table view is available in 'Simple Database Tables' under ScotMoves+. A list of holding restrictions can be searched or the list of individual animal restrictions past and present available.