Underneath the ScotMoves header, click on ScotMoves Home
On the ScotMoves Home page, beneath the ScotMoves Exemptions Header, any existing and any ended exemptions will show
When a holding is due for renewal (annually) there will be a blue Renew button next to it, along with the number of days before expiry
Click on Renew if you wish to keep the exemption in place
If the exemption is not renewed, it will expire, and be faded out, like the exemption to the right, as circled in orange
If any changes happen within your exemptions, such as amalgamation then please either call ScotEID on 01466 794323 or email help@scoteid.com and the team are always happy to help.
If you require further assistance, please contact ScotEID on 01466 794323.
If you require further assistance, please contact ScotEID on 01466 794323.