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Minor Versionm

by ScotEID

  1. Click on Unrecognised Antigen Samples , which is located under the Cattle Menu down the left hand side of the ScotEID home page, as shown by the arrows.
    • Click on Unrecognised Antigen Samples , which is located under the Cattle Menu down the left hand side of the ScotEID home page, as shown by the arrows.

  2. The table in image one shows you the details of the Unrecognised Antigen Samples which have been recorded incorrectly or which have not yet been registered on CTS.  A Veterinary Practice can only view the samples of their own clients. Click on the blue i next to the CPH in the first image as shown by the orange arrow, to view the holding name. To search for an Animal ID, click on the magnifying icon in the first image, as shown by the blue arrow (search box is shown in the second image). Under Animal ID, you can search by Interpretation  or Sample ID by clicking on the black arrows. Click on Find as shown circled in red or Reset to clear your search, as circled in green
    • The table in image one shows you the details of the Unrecognised Antigen Samples which have been recorded incorrectly or which have not yet been registered on CTS. A Veterinary Practice can only view the samples of their own clients.

    • Click on the blue i next to the CPH in the first image as shown by the orange arrow, to view the holding name.

    • To search for an Animal ID, click on the magnifying icon in the first image, as shown by the blue arrow (search box is shown in the second image). Under Animal ID, you can search by Interpretation or Sample ID by clicking on the black arrows. Click on Find as shown circled in red or Reset to clear your search, as circled in green

    • To download the page to Excel, click on the paper icon shown by the black arrow in the first image.

    • You can select the records viewed per page by clicking on the small black arrows, as highlighted in the green box in the first image.

    • To edit an Animal ID, click on the appropriate line to highlight it, then select the pencil icon as shown by the red arrow (Edit record is shown in the third image). In the Edit box, make the changes to the ID then click Submit, shown by the green arrow or Cancel, shown by the purple arrow.


If you require further assistance, please contact ScotEID on 01466 794323.


Member since: 10/26/2020

156 Guides authored