On the left hand menu under ScotMoves+ in the Cattle section
Click on the date box and dropdown calendar appears to select the date.
You can use the arrow top left to go back to the previous month.
You have seven days to record the death and return the passport to ScotEID.
Please send the passport of the animal that died on farm to ScotEID.
Entering a user reference is optional. This is a note for your purposes only to use how you please.
There are 3 ways of selecting the animal ID
Scan the ID from the passport
Enter the last 3 digits and choose from the dropdown
Find the animal in the table and tick the box
Check the animal IDs in Section 3 are those that have died.
When you are happy with your selection, click 'submit'
If you receive the warning ' Please note that this date exceeds the reporting time limit for recording a death', it is more than seven days since the death.
This is flagged as a late notification. If you have made a mistake when entering the date, you can close the warning and go back to 'Enter date' and edit it.
When you hit the 'Submit' button, a box appears asking you to confirm
Click 'ok' to confirm or cancel to go back and change.
On 'Ok', the death record is recorded and you are taken back to the ScotMoves+ Home page where the success banner is shown with the number of deaths submitted.
The event is added to the recent activity listing.
If you require further assistance, please contact ScotEID on 01466 794323.
If you require further assistance, please contact ScotEID on 01466 794323.